Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Get Organized

At the end of last week I did a time audit. For 2 days (kind of 3) I tracked my time, how much time did I waste throughout my day, how much time was I actually productive? I did this after reading "Start" by Jon Acuff. Doing this time audit helped me find more time in my day to do things I really wanted, or spend time bettering myself. One thing that really stood out to me when I started tracking my time was my sometimes LACK of organization. So Sunday rolled around and I attacked this problem head on! I helped my mother-in-law organize the sewing room, sorted fabric and projects. I then moved to my dresser, and started on my drawers. 
This is my top drawer after about 15 minutes of re-organization. I fit way more in!! I didn't stop there! I had made beer cheese for a bridal shower and ended up coming home with the left overs, so I moved it into smaller containers, so we didn't have to hear up a big bowl ever time we wanted some. 
We also made our own salsa and shredded chicken for tacos. Since I've been doing really well on my fitness/weight loss challenge I've been trying to get better about what I put in my body. Chips with salsa are one of my weaknesses, SO rather than hit up Moe's or Chipotle, I made my own salsa, using fresh ingredient (some out of our own garden).  This morning I was up 2 hours earlier than I needed to be so I could make my ice tea and smoothie for lunch (saving money and helping reach my goal). I had time to cuddle with my Tyson puppy and I had time to enjoy eggs with pesto (Yum).  I saved so much time by planning ahead and organizing that I'm able to write about it this morning!!  So my favorite organizing solutions this week... Mason Jars and Thirty-One Large Utility Totes! Mason jars are great for good storage! Large Utility Totes were great in the sewing room. We used 4! 2 for mom's current projects and unfinished projects, 1 for my fabric collection and 1 for my patterns/books.  While I know that being organized doesn't last forever for me and it's not an easy task to take on, it does help motivate me to do better!! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Smoothies of the day

I wanted to share my progress for those who have been following my ab tastic, get fit ride better posts! Today I weighed in at 146, the lightest I've been since probably December if not earlier. I've dropped an inch off my waist and an inch off my lower belly area in the last 9 day! Thanks to Heather Foltz, her awesome work outs and my eating better I'm on my way to my goals!

Today's smoothies:

Handful of spinach
1/2 an apple
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup frozen mango 
1 tsp almond powder
cinnamon to taste

1/2 apple
3/4 cup frozen mango
1 cup almond milk
1 tsp almond powder
Cinnamon to taste

Pictures below is breakfast, green might not be the prettiest color but it's tasty!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Silly Sunday

So this morning I woke up, checked Facebook, fed the dogs and headed out for a brisk walk with my favorite pup, Astra (sshh... Don't tell Tiny and Tyson). After 2 miles and almost 200 calories burned we came home, where I finished yesterday's ab tastic challenge and took a silly photo for my silly Sunday challenge. 

I'm like the crazy cat lady but way more awesome because my dogs have cool party tricks, and actually listen. 

Anyways... Focus Pam! So I thought if share my yummy post workout smoothie recipe because it tasted awesome! 
3/4 cup vanilla almond milk
4 TBSP nonfat vanilla yogurt (Greek is good too)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp almond powder 
1 1/2 tsp chai seeds
1/4 cup frozen strawberries
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
Handful fresh blue berries

Sometimes I add a banana and blackberries.  It fills me up and helps me kick craving for pancakes until lunch :)